Sick Days Before And After Kids

sick days before after kids

A few weeks ago I had a slight fever and sore throat so I had to take a sick leave only to realize that sick leaves aren't what they used to be. Below is a tale of two sick days - before kids and after kids:

Before Kids
The alarm goes off at dawn. You're supposed to wake up to get ready for work but you're feeling unwell. So you call in sick and go back to sleep and wake up again around lunch time.

After Kids
Your baby is your alarm clock and wakes you up multiple times throughout the night. You're up at dawn and you feel unwell so you call in sick but you can't go back to sleep because your baby's crying for milk.

Before Kids
You set an alarm and drink your medicine on schedule.

After Kids
What was that alarm for? Oh right, your medicine. Except your baby chose to have a massive poop explosion so you have to clean her up first. You remember to take your medicine an hour later.

Before Kids
You nap the whole day.

After Kids
What's a nap? You can't even sit down because your baby only likes to be held standing up. 

Before Kids
Lights out at 8PM to get some extra sleep.

After Kids
Lights out at 8PM but your kid refuses to sleep so you can't sleep either.

Before Kids
You're feeling all better and ready to take on the day.

After Kids
You wake up to a fussy baby with a runny nose. You're not feeling any better yourself either.

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