Happy 2nd Birthday, Audrey and Antonino!

twins second birthday
My dear Audrey and Antonino,

Happy 2nd birthday! I can't believe you are two years old. You both came out as tiny 34-weekers who needed to stay in the NICU to grow. Not an ideal start but you quickly showed everyone how strong and determined you were to get out of the NICU right away.

It has been amazing watching both of you grow. When you were just months old, we waited every month for you to hit all those significant first year milestones like crawling, rolling over, babbling, and sitting. Then after your first birthday everything went by at lightning speed. You actually look more like kids now than babies and somehow you know it. You always say "Big geeeel Adee!" (Big girl Audrey) and "Big boy Nino!"

At one year old, you were just learning to cruise around while holding on to your play fence but after a few months you were already walking, running, jumping and climbing all over everything!

You can identify your alphabet, the numbers 1 to 10, colors and shapes, and  items in your picture word books and relate them to actual stuff.

You have become very independent too. You insist on feeding and dressing yourselves and even reading your board books by yourselves! Wow!

You both have also become very talkative! You talk in sentences and speak in big voices (we really need to work on your inside voices). You can already tell us what you want. You've also developed the habit of singing loudly when the lights are off and it's time for bed. You run through your favorite songs like Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep and Itsy Bitsy Spider until you fall asleep. One of these days I will record your nursery rhyme mash up so you can hear them when you're older!

You have also become big-hearted kids. You guys are so sweet that at times it makes me tear up. When you think I'm sad or whenever I tell you we need to rest because my back hurts, you're always quick to give me a kiss, and pat my back so gently while saying "Mommy back hurt. Ichokey (Mommy's back hurts. It's OK)."

You have also started building your sibling bond. You now interact and play with each other more. It's so much fun to watch you two even though there are moments when both of you want to play with the same toy at the same time. But you try to work it out by repeating the things we've been teaching you like "Take tons (turns)," or if there are two of the same toy, you say things like "This is Adee's/Nino's" and "This is yours." Sometimes it works, sometimes you need our help to sort it out but I guess that's how it really is.

You've also learned how to look out for each other. Antonino, I remember one time when Audrey got a time out you wanted to keep her company so you followed her to the corner and stood there too. And Audrey, once during lunch Antonino threw his fork on the floor because he wasn't in the mood to eat and you said "Mommy, a-si-dent (accident)" in an effort to save Antonino from getting disciplined. My heart is fullest when I see the two of you together and I'm so happy that at such a young age you already have each others' backs.

Happy 2nd birthday, Audrey and Antonino! I love you so much. I hope the coming year will be the best one yet but most of all, I really wish that  you will always have each other.

Love you always and forever,
twins second birthday cake

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