5 Things I Never Thought I'd Do... Then I Became A Mom!

gross things parents do for baby

To say having twins turned our lives upside down is an understatement. Joey and I went from being a newly married couple to a family of 4 with 2 newborns requiring our undivided attention.  Parenting twins has brought about lots of surprises and I found myself doing unusual things that pre-baby me would have never thought of doing like...

Talking with exaggerated vowels.
Talking with exaggerated vowels can be seen by many as annoying. But for some reason, my plain manner of speaking doesn't attract the twins' attention. So whenever I talk to them I use an extra high-pitched tone and exaggerate my vowels - HIIIIII BABY, YOU'RE GROWING SOOOO FAAAAAST! They instantly respond by babbling or flailing their limbs!

Picking noses.
Of course, poking around our noses is gross and frowned upon but babies aren't capable of blowing their own noses. There have been a number of times when my twins have acted fussy and I would find huge dry boogies in their tiny noses! So I help them clear their noses with a moistened cotton bud (the skinny ones made for babies).

Smelling around for poop.
We change the twins' diapers every 3 hours but whenever I smell something a bit off, I sniff their diaper areas to check if they went number 2 and need to be changed right away. Sometimes I even make bets with myself on whether it was just a fart or actual poop I smelled. I'm actually getting good at it!

Taking a pic of baby's poopy diaper to show to the doctor.
When I started formula feeding the twins, their poop color became dark green. I of course panicked and proceeded to take a photo of the soiled diaper to show to the doctor - just in case I'm unable to describe the exact shade of green. Turns out it was normal and it was the iron in the formula that caused this.

Being unfazed when poop gets in my hand.
Pre-baby, anything that had to do with poop grossed me out! But now I spend many of my waking hours cleaning poop from my twins' every crevice and fold and it sometimes even gets to my hands! But not to worry.  I just wipe it and move on then wash my hands really well after each nappy change.

So booger and poo, that about sums up the list. Pretty gross, yes but I would be willing to smell my twins' disgusting poo over and over because I really cannot imagine my life without them.

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