KonMari With 2-Year-Olds

konmari kids

Marie Kondo's Netflix series "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo" has somewhat caused a decluttering craze around the globe. And because I felt like our dressing room was being taken over by the twins' clothes, I had to try it out myself.

Based on the KonMari method, we choose what stuff to keep by holding an item in our hands and asking ourselves if it "sparks joy." If the answer is yes, keep it. If the answer is no, discard it.

Things I Googled When I Was A New Parent

questions new parent google

Like I wrote in a post last year, part of my maternity leave was spent on Google (Is it normal if my baby ---?). I'd like to say the Googling stopped after my maternity leave but it didn't. I would still spend the night Googling away the minute the twins fell asleep. Haha. Did you do this too, mamas? What stuff did you Google as a new parent? Here are some of the stuff I can remember:

Doctor Tells Mom To Rest...

doctor tells mom to rest

I was out of commission towards the end of 2018. I got a sore throat the day after Christmas which I thought would go away if I rested a bit and gargled with warm salt water but by the middle of the day things quickly escalated to a flu-like illness. I had joint pain, a terrible headache and even lost my voice. I was down the whole afternoon and only woke up for dinner.

The following day, I went to the doctor and she told me I had a viral infection that would resolve itself within a week or so but I had to rest.

The Twins Have Ice Cream And Cake For The First Time!

toddler first cake and ice cream

A few weeks ago, Audrey and Antonino celebrated two milestones: their second birthday and their first taste of ice cream and cake! What?! Your kids haven't had ice cream and cake before? Our choice not to feed the twins sweets during their first two years raised a few eyebrows but before you react, let me tell you why we did it.