Your Easy-Breezy Pregnancy According To Stock Photos

pregnant belly

During pregnancy, moms-to-be experience so many changes. Hormones fluctuate wildly which can make you feel like you're going nuts! But that's just us mortals on earth because being pregnant in the world of stock photos is so easy and problem-free. When you're pregnant in stock photos...

You sleep the whole night through and never have to get up to pee in the middle of the night.

Then you wake up full of energy - no nausea and morning sickness here!

You will also eat only healthy food and not have any crazy food cravings like dipping Cheetos in vinegar.

You won't get any stretchmarks either as long as you apply your stretchmark cream in the form of a smiley face.

You will also have no trouble standing in high heels the whole day at work.

When you reach your 7th month, it will be totally safe to document your pregnancy while balancing on a rock surrounded with running water.

And when it's time to give birth, you will be so calm in timing your contractions which don't give you any discomfort at all.

Here's your baby! Congratulations for still looking so fresh after labor!

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