When Is It OK To Ask A Woman If She's Pregnant?

"We have strollers in pink and blue. How far along is your pregnancy? Do you already know the gender?" asked the sales assistant. Yes, a girl and a boy. Except I knew because I already gave birth to my twins two weeks ago. I kept the last sentence to myself. My husband and I were in a hurry. Our twins were born three weeks early so they were still in the hospital. We just made a quick trip to the mall to buy their strollers and car seats then it's back to the hospital to be with our babies and do kangaroo care.

That was definitely not what I needed. But I just let it slide because I had bigger things to worry about. Then it happened again when I was 6 weeks postpartum. Here's the exchange:

Me: Do you have a wedge pillow for babies? (Shows photo)
Sales Assistant #1: We used to have that but now it's out of stock. (Turns to Sales Assistant #2) Right?
Sales Assistant #2: Yes. (Turns to me) Ma'am what you should get is a maternity pillow to help you sleep.
Me: No it's OK thanks.
SA #2: It's really helpful. I used it when I was pregnant and it helped with my back. How many months pregnant are you? When you're nine months pregnant your tummy will get even bigger and make your back sore.
Me: I already gave birth 6 weeks ago. AND YOU JUST LOST ANY SALES YOU WERE GOING TO MAKE OFF ME!

Don't worry, I also kept that last sentence to myself. Along with the thought that we really need to be careful when it comes to asking a woman if she's pregnant or when her due date is. To make it easy, we should have a reference guide like this:

when is it ok to ask a woman if she's pregnant

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