5 Surprising Things About Babies

surprising things about babies

Babies love being swaddled. They also need to be burped after each meal and only sleep two hours at a time. These are some of the most common things people tell you when you're going to have a baby. So you try to perfect your swaddling technique, read about the best ways to burp a baby and sleep in while you still can. You think you've prepared enough but there's still so much that will surprise you! People who've been there probably don't tell you about them because they're kind of gross and embarrassing to share. As for me, I've gotten so used to talking about icky baby stuff so here's a list of 5 surprising things about babies that you won't read in pregnancy books:

They fart like grown men.
I don't know how they do it but during the first few days at home with the twins, I was always shocked when they would let out those loud stinky farts! They're so bad that when I fart, I think I could even get away with it by blaming the fart on one of them.

They have a secret neck cheese factory.
If you think baby poop stinks, try smelling the white stuff that gets trapped in their neck folds! Milk + spit up + saliva = baby neck cheese that smells so bad I even wrote an entire post about it.

Their nails grow so fast.
Cutting the twins' nails was one of my least favorite activities. I was so scared I would accidentally poke them and make the skin on their fingertips bleed. But I had to get used to it because I'm not exaggerating when I say I have to cut their nails everyday or else they would end up scratching and scarring their faces.

Their hands smell and have hand lint.
When babies are born, they have no control over their hand movements. Mittens are very useful during this stage to prevent them from accidentally scratching their faces. But mittens also leave tiny fibers between babies' fingers and make their hands sweat. The result is tiny baby hands which smell like vinegar.

They know when you're about to relax.  
It's like a special baby switch. Just when you're about to settle down and read a book, they suddenly cry. Or just when you're eating dinner, they poop! They always have the best timing which means parents just have to get used to interrupted reading and dinner times.

What's the most surprising thing you learned about your baby?

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