Preemie Strong

Will my baby ever catch up? This is a question most preemie parents ask themselves. So in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month, I would like to shine the spotlight on popular preemies who have accomplished greatness in their chosen fields despite the challenges of being born early. Hopefully, this will help ease the minds of preemie parents out there and show them that no matter how fragile-looking and tiny preemies are, they can still be strong and capable of achieving big things.

anna pavlova preemie
Anna Pavlova
Prima Ballerina
Born: February 12, 1881
2 months premature
Nationality: Russian

Anna Pavlova was a famous Russian prima ballerina. When she was 9 years old, she auditioned for the renowned Imperial Ballet School but was not accepted because of her age and sickly appearance. She finally got accepted at the age of 10 and with plenty of hard work, she became the principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet. She is regarded as one of the finest classical ballet dancers in history.

mark twain preemie
Mark Twain
Born: November 30, 1835
2 months premature
Nationality: American

Mark Twain is considered the Father of American Literature. His most popular works include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which are important classic novels in American literature.

charles darwin preemie
Charles Darwin
Born: February 12, 1809
1 month premature
Nationality: English

Charles Darwin has been described as one of the most influential figures in history. He is best known for developing the theory of evolution through natural selection which became the foundation of modern evolutionary studies.  

Photo Credits:
Anna Pavlova - Wikimedia
Mark Twain - Wikimedia
Charles Darwin - Wikimedia

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