Don't you love the clean slate of a brand new year? It makes you want to examine the things you want to do differently and really try to be a better version of yourself. In that spirit, here are five resolutions I wish my one year old twins will make:
2018 New Year's Resolutions I Wish My One-Year-Old Twins Will Make
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Don't you love the clean slate of a brand new year? It makes you want to examine the things you want to do differently and really try to be a better version of yourself. In that spirit, here are five resolutions I wish my one year old twins will make:
Yaya Problems
Sunday, December 24, 2017
![]() |
Mary Poppins (1964), from Disney Screencaps |
Joey and I both work so we hired yayas (nannies) to take care of the twins
while we're at the office. They would each be in charge of one baby and share in
other baby-related chores like washing bottles, baby laundry and some light
housework, which I'm told is the normal job description of a yaya. We also gave
them a good package: salary way above minimum wage, paid time off and holidays,
SSS contributions, healthcare, and of
course free board and lodging.
So far, we've gone through 7 yayas. Yup 7!
Tiny Blessings For Bedtime, by Amy Parker
As parents, we all dream of raising selfless and appreciative children. Today is Christmas Eve and as we focus on giving thanks for all the special blessings we have received, let's always remember that while Christmas only comes once a year, we can always choose to adopt the mindset of being grateful for everyday blessings. My current favorite children's book on gratitude is Tiny Blessings for Bedtime, by Amy Parker.
Christmas Gift List For Babies
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Baby's first Christmas is a big deal for parents. Hours are spent shopping for the hottest toy of the season only to find out that babies are more interested in the bright wrapping paper gifts come in. So since
Christmas Eve is only one week away and I want you to have a stress-free Christmas, here's a list
of 5 traditional toys and the corresponding household items babies prefer*. Yup,
that's right, items that are just lying around where you live. So I'm
actually saving you money too! Just don't make the mistake of putting them in
gift bags or else that's all your baby's going to play with.
Moo, Baa, La La La!, by Sandra Boynton
Sunday, December 10, 2017
My mom read to me a lot when I was a kid. I guess it was the
shared reading time with her that made me enjoy and love reading. A love for
reading is also something I want to pass on to my twin babies, Audrey and
Antonino. And so, I read aloud to them even when they were still in my tummy.
Then, when we brought them home from the hospital, Joey and I included reading
as part of their bedtime routine. There were even nights when we would
read the same book to them 5 times straight because they would end up crying
when we were done and the only way to calm them down was to read the book over
and over. Reading has become a great bonding activity for our family and I can see
that the twins have become very interested in books which is why I am always on
the lookout for books that will cultivate this interest.
More On Baby Laundry
Baby laundry is a big part of every new parent's life. A few
weeks ago, I shared some tips on tackling baby laundry as well as my preferred
laundry detergent. We normally buy 3 bottles of it at a time which would last
us a little over 3 months. When we opened our last bottle of detergent, I went
to the the Human Nature online store to reorder. This was when I found out that
they launched a new detergent especially made for babies. Talk about late to
the party. So I quickly placed an order to be able to try it.
Twin Tips: How To Answer Silly Twin Questions
Saturday, December 9, 2017
It's time to have some fun! Being parents to twins is the
most amazing blessing but it also sets you up for some ridiculous and
repetitive questions. Here's a list of the ones I keep hearing over and over
and how to respond.
2017 Favorite Things
Sunday, December 3, 2017
I cannot believe the twins are turning one this month! After
all the sleepless nights and tears (the twins' and mine), we're finally near
the one year mark! In celebration of this milestone, I wrote a list of my
favorite things that I used during my first year of being a twin mommy. I
wish I could do an Oprah and tell all of you that I will be giving each one of
you all of my favorite things but for now, I'll just share my list and hope you
can find something you like too.
10 Faces Of Pregnancy In Emojis
😀The Positive pregnancy test.
😵Morning sickness.
😝Unexplainable food aversions.
😍Hearing baby's heartbeat for the first
😭Watching an ad about babies/children/pets
(can also apply to seeing the cost of baby gear).
😌First time you slip into maternity
leggings: Oh the comfort!
😒When a stranger touches your belly.
😖Getting up every 15 minutes to pee.
😳When you water breaks.
Twin Tips: Things We Buy In Bulk For The Twins
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Two babies in one go - efficient, right? Having twins has
taught us to do things efficiently which is what made us decide to by some things
in bulk. For us, buying in bulk means not having to worry about running out of
supplies, less trips to the store, and saving money. Being Ilocanos (known for
being frugal), Joey and I always compute the price per piece or gram of stuff
we buy and buying in bulk always makes that figure go down. This is very
important since having twins means double the expenses most of the time.
Three Tips to Tackle Never-Ending Baby Laundry
Sunday, November 26, 2017
When it comes to parenting a baby, there are some tasks that seem repetitive and never-ending. Laundry is one of them. In fact, there are even times when I feel like right after folding and putting away a whole basket of baby clothes, another mountain of dirty clothes has already piled up.
I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say our laundry more
than doubled when the twins arrived. When they were newborns they would spit up
regularly which meant we changed them multiple times a day. And that's not just
their side-tie tops. We also change their socks, mittens, caps, burp cloths,
bibs and swaddles. Now that they're older, more active and and eating solids,
everything from milk, to mashed vegetables to sweat to drool come into contact
with their clothes on a daily basis. We're lucky if the twins are still in the
same outfit by mid-day.
Thankfully, there are several tricks that can help busy
parents like us save time, our sanity and hands when it comes to the
overwhelming task of baby laundry.
Twin Tips: Surviving Your Twins' Newborn Phase
Saturday, November 25, 2017
I'm not going to sugarcoat things. Caring for newborn twins
was the most exhausting thing Joey and I have ever experienced in our whole
lives. Because of their tiny tummies, the twins needed to be fed every few hours
round the clock. One of them even had spit up issues which made feedings
longer. And when we finally got them to sleep, there were a lot of other chores
waiting to be done. But with 11 months of twin parenting under my belt, I can
say that it truly gets better and eventually your twins will learn to sleep
for longer stretches. In the meantime, here are some tricks that helped me and
Joey survive caring for newborn twins.
Preemie Strong
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Will my baby ever catch up? This is a question most preemie parents
ask themselves. So in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month, I would like to shine
the spotlight on popular preemies who have accomplished greatness in their
chosen fields despite the challenges of being born early. Hopefully, this will
help ease the minds of preemie parents out there and show them that no matter
how fragile-looking and tiny preemies are, they can still be strong and capable
of achieving big things.
premature baby,
prematurity awareness month
Twin Tips: What to Prepare for Your Twins' First Night Home
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Walking into a baby store can get really overwhelming.
You're presented with so many choices and so many things that you didn't even
know existed and you're tempted to buy them all because you want to be fully
prepared. But the truth is, you don't really need much for a newborn. Do I hear
fellow twin parents everywhere breathing a sigh of relief? Below is the list of
things you will really need for your twins on day one.
5 Ways To Help Preemie Parents
Sunday, November 12, 2017
The birth of one's child is one of the happiest moments in a
new parent's life. But for the parents of the 348,900 babies in the Philippines who were born prematurely, the moment is bittersweet. Worry immediately takes over as the
baby is separated from his mother to receive proper care in the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU). As a mom to preemie twins, I can tell you that the
experience of having preemie babies in the NICU is terrifying. There are times
when you feel isolated because your experiences are very different compared to
your family and friends who gave birth to full term babies. This is why preemie
parents also need a lot of help and support from their loved ones. November is
Prematurity Awareness Month so if you know a family with a premature baby, here
are some ways you can show them support:
nicu mom,
premature baby,
prematurity awareness month
Twin Tips: Managing a NICU Stay
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Four days after giving birth, I was cleared by my OB to go home. Except I didn't want to. You see, my twins were born early at 34 weeks and 2 days. This meant they had to stay in the NICU for at least 3 weeks before we got to bring them home. I wanted to be with them 24/7 but I couldn't.
The first time I saw my twins in their incubators, I was
scared to death. They were so tiny and thin that their ribs were visible. I was
nervous when the NICU nurses were teaching me how to do kangaroo care because I
kept thinking I might hurt their tiny bodies. But later on, it helped build my
confidence as a mom because I was able to provide something that could improve
their well-being. And while I still think it's impossible to fully prepare for
a stay in the NICU, I would like to share a few tips to make your NICU stay
more manageable.
Twin Tips: Signs of Preterm Labor
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Preterm labor is often a topic of concern in twin
pregnancies. I remember my OB telling me that a complete full-term pregnancy
lasts 40 weeks but since I'm carrying twins, she'll be happy if I reach 38
weeks. Giving birth at 38 weeks meant that my twins wouldn't be premature and
wouldn't need to spend time in the NICU. With that in mind, she told me that I
should familiarize myself with the signs of preterm labor such as:
Twin Tips: Packing Your Hospital Bag
Saturday, October 28, 2017
My due date was in the middle of January so I figured I had
the first few weeks of December to pack my hospital bag. I already had most of the stuff
I needed. It was just the packing part that had to be done. But during a
scheduled checkup in the second week of December, we found out I was already
5cm dilated. What was supposed to be a one-hour appointment turned into 5 days
of complete bed rest in the hospital's High Risk Pregnancy Unit (HRPU) and the
early birth of our twins. Luckily, I already prepared a list of things to pack
so while my mom watched over me, Joey went back home to get everything.
hospital bag,
twin parenting,
twin tips,
Mapping The Maternal Brain
Sunday, October 22, 2017
The title sounds scientific enough, right? Good. Then there shall be no disputes about the accuracy of this brain map.
Twin Tips: Daddy Duties
Saturday, October 21, 2017
This installment of Twin Tips is for the dads. I'm sure the moment you announced your twin pregnancy, friends and family started lavishing your wife with attention. But this doesn't mean that your role is less important. While it's true that the physical aspect of pregnancy is only experienced by mom, both mom and dad still share equal responsibility in preparing for the arrival of their babies. So to guide you in this nine-month roller coaster ride, I interviewed my husband to get some suggestions on how to prepare to welcome your two bundles of joy. Here's what he said:
10 Faces of Parenthood in Emojis
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Because 😴 does not even even
begin to describe it...
😫The first time you stayed awake for 24
consecutive hours.
🤔Is it normal if my baby...
😖When your sleeping baby cries the moment
you put him down in his crib.
😬The first time you got poop on your finger
while doing a diaper check.
😣The accidental baby headbutt.
😜Trying to get baby to laugh.
😒When someone tells you everything you're
doing wrong as a parent.
😌 The first time your baby cries and you know
exactly what it means.
🤗When your baby says mama or dada for the
first time after months of babbling.
😍When you realize you're the center of their universe and source of comfort.
😍When you realize you're the center of their universe and source of comfort.
Twin Tips: Dealing With Bed Rest
Saturday, October 14, 2017
I was put on bed rest during my first trimester for bleeding
and Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). I was able to go back to work for a few weeks but was put back on bed rest
to avoid preterm labor. All in all, I spent about half of my pregnancy on bed
rest. In theory, lying in bed all day may seem like a vacation, but in reality,
bed rest can be stressful, inconvenient and frustrating. There will definitely
be days when you will be wondering how you will be able to cope until it's time
to give birth. And because bed rest is pretty common in twin pregnancies, here
are some survival tips for you twin mommies on bed rest.
bed rest,
twin parenting,
twin tips,
5 Things I Never Thought I'd Do... Then I Became A Mom!
Sunday, October 8, 2017
To say having twins turned our lives upside down is an understatement. Joey and I went from being a newly married couple to a family of 4 with 2 newborns requiring our undivided attention. Parenting twins has brought about lots of surprises and I found myself doing unusual things that pre-baby me would have never thought of doing like...
infant care,
Twin Tips: Budget Planning for Your Twins
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Now that the news of having twins has sunk in, it's time to
get a bit more serious. The third installment of my Twin Tips series will help
you plan your budget if you're expecting twins and don't have George Clooney or
Beyonce money. So read below for some tips on how to prepare financially for
your twins' arrival.
twin parenting,
twin tips,
Managing Postpartum Hairfall
Sunday, October 1, 2017
When I was pregnant with the twins, I didn't have the
celebrated pregnancy glow. It was more like shiny oily face for me. But my lack
in pregnancy glow was made up for by my thick and shiny pregnancy hair. I've
always had thin and dull hair so I was very thrilled about this one "side
effect" of pregnancy. You see, during pregnancy, a woman has higher levels
of estrogen. This results in less shedding and healthier looking hair. And
while I knew it wasn't a permanent thing, I still enjoyed my new and improved
hair fall,
Twin Tips: 6 Twin Pregnancy Essentials
Saturday, September 30, 2017
It's time for the second installment of Twin Tips. If you
missed my first post, you can read it here. Today I'm writing about twin
pregnancy must-haves.
5 Surprising Things About Babies
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Babies love being swaddled. They also need to be burped after each meal and only sleep two hours at a time. These are some of the most common things people tell you when you're going to have a baby. So you try to perfect your swaddling technique, read about the best ways to burp a baby and sleep in while you still can. You think you've prepared enough but there's still so much that will surprise you! People who've been there probably don't tell you about them because they're kind of gross and embarrassing to share. As for me, I've gotten so used to talking about icky baby stuff so here's a list of 5 surprising things about babies that you won't read in pregnancy books:
Twin Tips: 5 Things To Do When You Find Out You're Pregnant With Twins
Saturday, September 23, 2017
I'm so excited to share a 12-part series I'm starting here on my blog called Twin Tips. Every Saturday, I will be writing a post with practical suggestions and stories on how to prepare for the arrival of your two bundles of joy as well as tips for surviving your first night and first few months of twin parenting. To kick off the series, I will be going back to the beginning and writing about things you should do when you find out you're pregnant with twins. So, without further ado, here are my tips!
The first thing I did when I found out Joey and I were expecting twins was worry. Yes, I'm such a worrywart and learning that I had two lives growing inside me just doubled all my worries. A lot of things were running inside my mind.
5 Things A NICU Mom Should Know
Sunday, September 17, 2017
September is Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Month. It's a time to honor families going through a NICU stay and the health professionals who care for them.
Our twins, Audrey and Antonino were born via C-section. They were 3 weeks early which required them to stay in the Intermediate Care Unit of the hospital's NICU. The twins are now 9 months old but I still find it difficult to look back at those 3 weeks without remembering the fear that I felt. A stay in the NICU can be one of the most stressful experiences in a mom's life and I think that one of the best gifts a NICU mom can receive is hope to help her get through it. Here are 5 things every NICU mom should know that can help her keep going.
nice awareness,
nicu mom,
premature baby
The Secret To Changing Your Wiggly Baby's Diaper
Sunday, September 10, 2017
A few days ago, a friend asked me if I tested multiple diaper brands to see which one performed best with my twins. Yes, that seems like something an OC mom like me would do but the answer is I didn't have to. I think I got lucky because their skin didn't react to the brand that they used in the NICU so that was one thing I no longer had to worry about. Then, when we were able to bring them home after their NICU stay, we had lots of Pampers Baby Dry tape diapers in newborn size waiting for us - a baby shower gift from friends. We tried them and we were impressed with the softness, absorbency and fit. Since the twins are premature, they're a bit small so getting the right diaper fit is a challenge. I remember back in the NICU, the nurses had to fold their diapers to fit them. Pampers on the other hand, just fit around their waist and legs really well which meant less leakage and diaper blowouts - yay for us!
Making Life Grand
I come from a tight knit family and my grandparents are a
major part of my life. When I was younger, my Lolo (grandfather) and Lola
(grandmother) would always be ready to babysit me and my cousins whenever our
parents were at work and we didn't have nannies.
Lolo would spoil us by cooking our favorite food and giving
us special treats like chocolates and ice cream. He would also tell us stories from his
childhood which we would all enjoy listening to. Lola, whom our family said
goodbye to early this year is a saint! Aside from going to mass everyday
(sometimes even twice a day) to pray for us, she would always make time for us.
She played with us, sewed our costumes for school activities and even tutored
us in Math.
My childhood was enriched because of my Lolo and Lola which
is why it's important to me that the twins have a great relationship with their
LaMom and Mima. The twins are very lucky to have two doting grandmothers. And
since it's grandparent's day today, I made a list of how I think grandparents make
life grand.
10 Faces of Twin Parenting in Emojis
Sunday, September 3, 2017
😃Excitement when you realize you're doubly blessed.
😩The first time you're left alone with the twins and they start crying at the same time.
😨When one twin is sleeping and the other is crying. You're so scared the crying twin will wake the sleeping twin up.
🤔Telling them apart (for identical twin mamas).
☺️The first time you feed them simultaneously on your own.
🤗 The first time they notice each other.
😍The first time they smile at you together.
🙄Getting asked weird questions. All. The. Time "Are they natural?" "Boy and girl? So are they identical?"
😉The first time you figure out how to pick up and carry two babies at once.
Baby Gear For Newborn Twins (What To Buy In Twos)
Sunday, August 27, 2017
The first thing that entered my mind when the doctor told Joey and me that we were having twins was "Yikes, double the expenses!" I guess it was the Ilocano in me that made me think about our budget right away. We really did not expect to have twins. It wasn't in our realm of thought because as far as we knew, twins didn't run in any of our families. So when the time came to shop for the twins' baby gear, we were at a loss. Did we really need two of everything? The answer is not really. (Although if you get gifted with 2 of everything at your shower, then lucky you!) Here's what we did.
What The Stock: Twin Parenting According To Stock Photos
Sunday, August 20, 2017
stock photo,
twin parenting,
what the stock
How I Spent My Maternity Leave
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Before I gave birth to the twins, I had this crazy idea that maternity leave = rest. But a week before going back to work, I was already thinking "What? That was it? My maternity leave is over? I feel like I haven't even fully recovered yet!" Instead of resting and recovering, my maternity leave felt like a temporary job assignment with two super demanding bosses and never-ending shifts. The truth is there's no rest when you're on maternity leave. To illustrate where those 78 days went (I gave birth via C-section), here's a breakdown of how I spent my maternity leave:
infant care,
maternity leave,
Mommy Motto
Sunday, August 6, 2017
I have always admired Amy Poehler as a comedian and a writer. My favorite character of hers is Mrs. George from Mean Girls. Remember this:
It never gets old! But I recently came across a statement of hers (Amy's not Mrs. George's!) about motherhood which I think should be a mantra for all mothers:
A Fascinating Look Into A Pregnant Woman's Brain
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Thanks to a scientific study*, we can finally get an inside look at a pregnant woman's brain.
*Based on one woman's experience
*Based on one woman's experience
What The Stock: A Day In The Life Of A Working Mom
Sunday, July 16, 2017
When my maternity leave was over, I was excited to go back to work and rejoin adult conversation. But in spite of my excitement, the first few days back were still tough. It was hard not seeing my twins' faces every hour of the day. I also worried I would miss milestones. But if you think going back to work is like this for all moms, think again. Take a look at a day in the life of a working mom in stock photos to see how smooth sailing the transition back to work post baby is.
stock photo,
what the stock
Baby Cheeses
When Audrey and Antonino were around 3 months old, I noticed an unusually funky scent while dressing them. So I sniffed around as most moms are wont to do and discovered that the rotten smell was coming from their necks! Now, I've heard stories about baby poo smelling so bad you'd need a face mask just to get through the nappy change, but for me, this was worse! It was like stinky cheese! So I tipped their heads back and there it was - stinky white stuff in their neck folds. It was a combination of milk and drool that slid from Audrey and Antonino's chins to the folds of their necks and stayed there to age until they developed an intense cheesy smell. Joey and I both agreed it smelled like blue cheese.
The Best Post-Pregnancy Fitness Routine
Sunday, July 9, 2017
When Is It OK To Ask A Woman If She's Pregnant?
Sunday, July 2, 2017
"We have strollers in pink and blue. How far along is your pregnancy? Do you already know the gender?" asked the sales assistant. Yes, a girl and a boy. Except I knew because I already gave birth to my twins two weeks ago. I kept the last sentence to myself. My husband and I were in a hurry. Our twins were born three weeks early so they were still in the hospital. We just made a quick trip to the mall to buy their strollers and car seats then it's back to the hospital to be with our babies and do kangaroo care.
That was definitely not what I needed. But I just let it slide because I had bigger things to worry about. Then it happened again when I was 6 weeks postpartum. Here's the exchange:
Me: Do you have a wedge pillow for babies? (Shows photo)
Sales Assistant #1: We used to have that but now it's out of stock. (Turns to Sales Assistant #2) Right?
Sales Assistant #2: Yes. (Turns to me) Ma'am what you should get is a maternity pillow to help you sleep.
Me: No it's OK thanks.
SA #2: It's really helpful. I used it when I was pregnant and it helped with my back. How many months pregnant are you? When you're nine months pregnant your tummy will get even bigger and make your back sore.
Me: I already gave birth 6 weeks ago. AND YOU JUST LOST ANY SALES YOU WERE GOING TO MAKE OFF ME!
Don't worry, I also kept that last sentence to myself. Along with the thought that we really need to be careful when it comes to asking a woman if she's pregnant or when her due date is. To make it easy, we should have a reference guide like this:
6-Month Twin Babies Daily Routine
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Hey there! It's the twins here. Mommy and daddy fell asleep while burping us so we decided to hack into mommy's blog and write her weekly post for her. We don't really get why they're always saying parenting is so hard. If they didn't have us, who would be picking up the slack and helping mommy keep up with her weekly post schedule? Want to know what's hard? A baby's life. We've been so busy sticking to a strict schedule since day 1! Imagine getting hungry every 2 to 3 hours because of our tiny tummies. Pure torture. Oh well, that was a few months ago but now that we've grown a bit, here's what our day looks like:
An Announcement Regarding The Birth of Beyonce and Jay Z's Twins
Sunday, June 18, 2017
We interrupt our regular blogging schedule to bring you this very special announcement from the twins.
The Global Chamber of Twins is pleased to congratulate Beyonce and Jay Z on the birth of their twins. We wish Beyonce, Jay Z and big sister Blue Ivy happiness on the arrival of the newest members of their family.
OK, here's what we really want to say now that the obligatory greeting is already out of the way...
5 Reasons Dads Of Twins Are Awesome
Every dad is the world's best dad but in honor of my husband, Joey who helps make the impossible task of caring for twins possible, I want to share with you 5 reasons why dads of twins are awesome.
father's day,
twin dad,
twin parenting
To My Dear NICU Nurses
Sunday, June 11, 2017
When you give birth, you stay a few days at the hospital to recuperate then go home with your baby and start your new life as a family. Unfortunately, there are some moms who don't get to go home with their babies right away. For some reason, they have to leave their babies in the hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU). This is what happened to me when I gave birth to Audrey and Antonino at 34 weeks and 2 days instead of the usual 37-38 weeks. They stayed at the hospital's IMCU for three weeks under the care of NICU Nurses. During those three weeks, I saw how NICU Nurses reflect the world's unselfish caring. Now that my preemie twins are almost 6 months old, I don't want another day to go by without thanking the lovely NICU Nurses who took care of them.
The Most Important Thing In Life According To Coach Jasikevicius
The video below is very timely because we will be celebrating Father's Day two weeks from now. In it, a reporter asks Coach Šarūnas Jasikevičius of Zalgiris (a Lithuanian basketball team) what he thinks about their player Augusto Lima missing the playoffs for the birth of his child. His answer showed what it means to be a dad today.
augusto lima,
Mumming Like A Duchess
Sunday, May 28, 2017
I have long admired the sophisticated style and grace of Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. Whenever the royal family would make public appearances, she would always look so calm while tending to her two toddlers. So while looking at photos of Pippa Middleton's wedding, it was fun seeing her get real while she played the role of mom to the children in the wedding entourage. It made me think, Wow she's also capable of losing her patience. She's a normal mom just like me! I mean look...
just like us,
kate middleton,
Dear Kate Middleton's Hair
Dear Kate Middleton's Hair,
Let me start by saying I'm such a huge fan of yours. Twice after your owner, The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth, you still managed to stay glossy and voluminous. I remember your photos from Prince George's christening three months after The Duchess gave birth to him. You were thick and bouncy. Meanwhile, at three months post-partum, I started falling in clumps. There was even one time when my owner, Starter Mama counted more than 100 hair strands lost in a day. Because of this hair-induced heartache, I got cut from armpit length to nape length.
kate middleton,
post partum
Our Super 8 Twin Essentials
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Our twins, Antonino and Audrey turned 5 months last week! It was also my first Mother's Day. So in honor of these milestones, I would like to share 8 items which helped us survive our first few months of twin parenting.
My Wish List For All Mothers This Mother's Day
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Last year, I had no idea I was already pregnant when I celebrated Mother's Day with my family. Now, I'm a mom of twins celebrating my first Mother's Day! It's exciting to be on the receiving end of this holiday for the first time. But, in the spirit of giving, I also came up with a list of 7 things I wish for every mom this Mother's Day. Here it is:
Let's All Unite This Mother's Day
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Mom judging has become so common these days. We constantly compare even with strangers online how we do things differently and better than others. It's like there's a worldwide competition for the title of best mom. All this judging and comparing can really bring moms down and this should stop. To do my part, I submitted an article to Smart Parenting titled, "So What If I Live In My Leggings? Stop Judging, Start Supporting." It's about 5 things moms are often judged for and the reasons why we should stop judging and start supporting each other. I hope you can give the article a read. Mother's Day is coming up and it's the perfect occasion for us moms to unite and remind each other what a good job we're doing.
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